Angela Atkinson

Swindon, SN5 6ER
Author, Angela Atkinson Fri Jun 15 2018

Useful information

I moved to Swindon back in the 1990s from a part of the country devastated by the 1980s pit closures.

So coming here to Swindon was truly like coming to the land of milk and honey.

Swindon afforded me opportunities and facilities that were not easily obtainable back in my part of Derbyshire / Nottinghamshire.

And that’s a big part – but not the whole story - behind my fondness for, and advocacy of, Swindon and the decision to build this Swindon-centric blog.

I’m as aware as anyone of Swindon’s flaws. But who can show me the perfect urban conurbation? I prefer to look beyond the flaws and find, what a good friend of mine refers to, as the glitter in the concrete.

To find the glitter in Swindon’s concrete sometimes requires you to open your eyes, your mind and your heart. But do it - and Swindon will sparkle for you. And this blog is a testament to that.


3 Haddon Close ,Grange Park ,Swindon ,SN5 6ER

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